
      GB Austenite Special Steel 1Cr18Ni9Si3,及該型號鋼材的基本信息、化學元素成分、機械性能、力學性能、熱處理溫度、同等型號參照表等。


      GB Austenite Special Steel 1Cr18Ni9Si3,及該型號鋼材的基本信息、化學元素成分、機械性能、力學性能、熱處理溫度、同等型號參照表等。

      分類 種類 型號 標準 國家 應用
      Steel Grades 1Cr18Ni9Si3 Austenite GB China
      化學成分信息(mass fraction)(wt.%) of the 1Cr18Ni9Si3
      元素名稱 含量比例值
      C ≤0.15
      S 2.00 -3.00
      Mn ≤2.00
      P ≤0.035
      S ≤0.030
      Ni 8.00 -10.00
      Cr 17.00 -19.00
      屈服強度Rp0.2(MPa) 抗拉強度Rm(MPa) 沖擊率 伸長率 斷面收縮率 熱處理狀態 布氏硬度(HBW)
      559 (≥) 852 (≥) 13 14 24 Solution and Aging, Annealing, Ausaging, Q+T,etc 442
      溫度 彈性模量 系數 熱導率 比熱容量 比電阻率 密度 加權系數
      41 - -     0.14 -  
      439 713 - 32.3 134   -  
      198 - 14 31.2   122 313
      33 - -     0.22 -  
      428 122 - 41.3 411   -  
      948 - 13 22.2   214 421
      Heat treated : 1875°C - 1489°C
      型號 標準 國家 應用
      420J2 Hot-rolled flat steel technical agreement
      AISI 205 Stainless Steel AISI
      Standard carburizing steels
      Bearing steel ( SAE 50100 )
      Hi Steel(low P)
      category of steel
      Steel weight calculation method
      The influence of performance of steel elements
      Carbon structural steel
      International (GB) steel product brand said method in the paper
      Stainless steel
      spring steel
      Alloy steel the performance characteristic and the USES(1)
      Alloy steel the performance characteristic and the USES(2)
      Alloy steel the performance characteristic and the USES(3)
      Alloy steel the performance characteristic and the USES(4)
      The hardness of carbon steel heat treatment and standard (United States)
      What is the carbon steel?
      Japanese steel grade standard
      Japanese steel grade representation method
      標簽: 1Cr18Ni9Si3、1Cr18Ni9Si3鋼材、1Cr18Ni9Si3材料
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