      SGLC C簡介

      Carbon Steel SGLC C,及該型號鋼材的基本信息、化學元素成分、機械性能、力學性能、熱處理溫度、同等型號參照表等。

      SGLC C簡介

      Carbon Steel SGLC C,及該型號鋼材的基本信息、化學元素成分、機械性能、力學性能、熱處理溫度、同等型號參照表等。

      分類 種類 型號 標準 國家 應用
      Steel Grades SGLC C
      屈服強度Rp0.2(MPa) 抗拉強度Rm(MPa) 沖擊率 伸長率 斷面收縮率 熱處理狀態 布氏硬度(HBW)
      596 (≥) 986 (≥) 24 42 33 Solution and Aging, Annealing, Ausaging, Q+T,etc 142
      溫度 彈性模量 系數 熱導率 比熱容量 比電阻率 密度 加權系數
      22 - -     0.14 -  
      173 344 - 13.3 214   -  
      618 - 12 11.2   312 434
      Heat treated : 1414°C - 1259°C
      型號 標準 國家 應用
      Q235 C China Engineering and welding
      Q235q C China Bridge structure with steel
      4CrW2Si China Alloy tool steel - Impact resistance tool steel
      9SiCr China Alloy tool steel - Measuring tool steel cutting tools
      Cr06 China Alloy tool steel - Measuring tool steel cutting tools
      Cr2 China Alloy tool steel - Measuring tool steel cutting tools
      9Cr2 China Alloy tool steel - Measuring tool steel cutting tools
      5CrW2Si China Alloy tool steel - Impact resistance tool steel
      6CrW2Si China Alloy tool steel - Impact resistance tool steel
      6CrMnSi2Mo1V China Alloy tool steel - Impact resistance tool steel
      5Cr3Mn1SiMo1V China Alloy tool steel - Impact resistance tool steel
      Cr12 China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      Cr12Mo1V1 China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      Cr12MoV China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      Cr5Mo1V China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      CrWMn China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      Cr4W2MoV China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      7CrSiMnMoV China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      6Cr4W3Mo2VNb China Alloy tool steel - cold work steels
      6W6Mo5Cr4V China Alloy tool steel - Impact resistance tool steel
      標簽: SGLC C、SGLC C鋼材、SGLC C材料
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